We often talk to people about having a plan to care for themselves around the time of anniversaries and ‘special’ days, but what about every other day?
Early on grief can be a chaotic time, initially with things to do and plan, but then after the funeral and others go back to their lives it can leave us in a space of bewilderment. We may forget about the things and people that usually support us in times of need. In the midst of brain fog and low energy and lacking motivation it can be hard to call on tools that will help us.
Making a grief care plan can help to remind you of some of the things that are important in taking care of yourself and tools to help you get through difficult days. One such tool is the grief care plan that is pictured here. The plan includes things that are non-negotiable, mood boosters, people to reach out to, favourite distractions and places I feel calm.
Some things like taking a shower each day, eating, and resting, are important to care for our physical being- these are the things that may be non-negotiable on the care plan. Using something like the HALT check-in, which asks if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired is a good starting point. Think about what helps to boost your mood – for example things like going for a walk, painting/drawing, or reading a book may be part of this list. It is also helpful to think about people who you can reach out to when feeling low. Favourite distractions might include movies you like to watch, spending time with a pet, reading etc. Where are places where you feel calm ?– this might be a physical place or you may imagine it.
Filling out the plan and keeping it close by can provide reminders in how to help yourself at this difficult time. To find a copy of the grief care plan go to the website below.
(Information adapted from What’s Your Grief: https://whatsyourgrief.com/a-grief-care-plan-your-foundation-for-support/).