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Self Care Tips When You Are Grieving

June 30, 2021

Healthy Eating: Maintain a healthy and balanced diet where possible.

Physical Activity: Building a sustainable amount of daily activity such as a 30minute walk can make a difference to your overall health and wellbeing.

Put Yourself First: This may be a difficult concept for many but when you make taking care of yourself a priority first, you will be in a better position to support those around you when needed.

Rest and Relaxation: Be kind to yourself and take care of your body by taking time to relax in way that is restful for you. For example: listening to music, having a massage, taking a nap, meditation or having a bath.

Social Connections: Staying in contact with others such as family, friends and community is important. Meeting for coffee, phoning a friend, chatting with a neighbour or joining a community club may all be ways of keeping connections with others.

Go Outside: Being in nature and taking in fresh air and sunlight can positively impact your health and wellbeing.

Pleasurable Activities: Make time to do things you enjoy – e.g. gardening, reading a book, riding a bike, going to a movie or playing a musical instrument.

Talk: Telling your story can be healing. Talk to someone who is supportive and will listen with understanding about your grief journey.

Healthy Relationships: Spending time on positive relationships that create meaning and comfort is important.

If you need help, ask: Help is available – don’t be afraid to ask. Grief has no timeline and it’s ok to admit you are struggling weeks, months and even years after a death.

(Adapted from brochure from the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement).

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