Anzac Day is a day of remembrance of those who fought for our country – those who lost their lives and those who survived. Those who survived take time out to remember their friends who did not make it back, and Anzac Day gives people permission to grieve the loss of those who didn’t return. As we ponder these losses on Anzac Day our thoughts may also turn to more personal losses, and while Anzac Day allows us to honour those who have died to keep us safe, we can also find ways to honour those we have loved who have died. Rituals like the dawn service on Anzac Day show respect and honour, and marching in honour of family members is another way to remember those who were lost. On a personal level, rituals can also help us to honour a loved one who has died and may be as simple as lighting a candle, visiting their grave or going to their favourite place. Rituals can be important to some and not to others – but finding meaningful ways of remembering those we have lost is important.